October 23, 2013
The Great Adventure Race 2014: Doing our bit to support Cure Kids Charity
In April 2013 we supported Cure Kids by participating in the Cure Kids Great Adventure Race. With the help and support of staff, clients, friends and family we raised $13,830 along the way and our Theta team once again starred with a very good third overall.
In April 2014 we are doing it all over again!!!
Yes - we are back for another year. Team Theta is rejuvenated and prepared to challenge ourselves in 2014 Cure Kids Great Adventure Race. Read our team blog about our training and preparation and please donate what you can.
As you can see, it's a big commitment! The race is a multi-discipline 6-9 hour event. Our team of 4 navigate, bike, run/trek, and traverse waterways. As well as the race team, there are 2 back up race team members (just in case!) and a support crew of 4 that helps raise funds/donations, organise and assist the team before and during the race.
Help us to help the kids
By entering a team we’ve committed to a minimum entry fee of $10,750, all of which goes to CureKids. Theta is putting up the first $5,750 which leaves us with $5,000 to raise through donations and other fundraising events. We think Cure Kids is a great charity to support, and we hope that you will too. Anything you can donate is greatly appreciated, and goes straight to Cure Kids and the vital research they support.
Make a donation
Our Cure Kids fundraising page makes it easy to make a donation using your credit card. All the money goes straight to Cure Kids, all donations over $5 are tax deductible for New Zealand residents and you will be sent a receipt automatically.