April 27, 2023

Hackers Love Accountants: Top Tips From Cyber Security Expert

Article adapted from a recent digital event hosted by Chartered Accountants of New Zealand and Australia, where Theta's Head of Cyber Security Liz Knight was invited to speak about the cyber threat landscape.


Liz Knight, Head of Cyber Security


March 2, 2023

Better security with Theta as your CSP Partner

Theta has implemented Microsoft’s new Granular Delegated Admin Privileges (GDAP) across all Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) customers. This replaces the near Global Admin permissions granted to all our consultants with the outgoing non-granular (DAP) partner access.



May 27, 2022

5 focus areas to prepare for 2022’s smarter cyber attacks

There’s an oddly relaxed stance shared among many organisations toward cyber security. It’s just not seen as a major priority, leaving many of them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.



December 14, 2021

Smishing, vishing, phishing – here's what to look out for!

You may have heard of phishing, but have you heard of smishing and vishing? Here’s a brief summary of what each term refers to, and how you can keep yourself and your business safe from these kinds of cyber attacks.



December 11, 2021

Critical security advisory - Log4j vulnerability

We would like to draw your attention to a new and serious cyber security risk that has already impacted many companies.



April 12, 2021

Pivoting through malicious infrastructure: from ZoomPortable to Windscribe

Theta Cyber Security reports on an undetected malware campaign running since at least December 2020, delivering stealthy trojaned copies of a popular VPN product - and how we found it.



December 17, 2020

SolarWinds Orion security issue

Read on for up-to-date information from our cyber security team about the SolarWinds Orion Security Issue.



December 4, 2020

Snakes & Ladders: the offensive use of Python on Windows

As Microsoft further integrates Python into its ecosystem, there are concerns around the offensive use of it. Can these offensive attacks be mitigated and are the current control mechanisms enough to stop this happening?



December 4, 2020

New Zealand Privacy Act 2020: standout features, fines and global comparisons

New Zealand's updated Privacy Act came into force on 1 December 2020.



November 30, 2020

ATT&CK'ing it wrong - how to use ATT&CK effectively at an NZ scale

Hamish Krebs, Cyber Security Lead Consultant, recently spoke at CHCon - an event held in Christchurch for cyber security professionals and hackers. Born out of frustrations and learnings behind the MITRE ATT&CK framework, his presentation explored how to go from 'ATT&CK’ing it wrong' to 'ATT&CK’ing it effectively'.

