December 17, 2020

SolarWinds Orion security issue

Read on for up-to-date information from our cyber security team about the SolarWinds Orion Security Issue.



December 16, 2020

Data and Artificial Intelligence in New Zealand's journey from crises to recovery

At our annual Theta Executive Luncheon, Louise Francis, Country Manager and Research Director at IDC New Zealand, presented NZ's digital journey to the next normal. With such rapid technological, behavioural and societal shifts in 2020, the COVID-19 crisis has undoubtedly caused accelerated change. And it's not the only crisis to have done this; nor will it be the last. Using the term 'crises' encapsulates the bigger picture of events that can cause global disruption, including what we've experienced with COVID-19.



December 4, 2020

Snakes & Ladders: the offensive use of Python on Windows

As Microsoft further integrates Python into its ecosystem, there are concerns around the offensive use of it. Can these offensive attacks be mitigated and are the current control mechanisms enough to stop this happening?



December 4, 2020

New Zealand Privacy Act 2020: standout features, fines and global comparisons

New Zealand's updated Privacy Act came into force on 1 December 2020.



December 4, 2020

EVA Check-in commendation at Microsoft NZ Partner Awards 2020

EVA Check-in, our finalist entry for the ISV Partner category, has been Highly Commended at the Microsoft Partner Awards 2020.



November 30, 2020

ATT&CK'ing it wrong - how to use ATT&CK effectively at an NZ scale

Hamish Krebs, Cyber Security Lead Consultant, recently spoke at CHCon - an event held in Christchurch for cyber security professionals and hackers. Born out of frustrations and learnings behind the MITRE ATT&CK framework, his presentation explored how to go from 'ATT&CK’ing it wrong' to 'ATT&CK’ing it effectively'.



November 17, 2020

Bulk renaming columns in a table using a Power Query Custom Function

If you've ever exported data from your ERP system and imported into Power BI, you'll be familiar with the rigmarole of renaming hundreds of columns to a more descriptive name. It's both time-consuming and prone to human error.



November 4, 2020

Finalists in Microsoft NZ Partner Awards 2020

Theta is a finalist in the 2020 Microsoft New Zealand Partner Awards, with finalist projects in five categories: Business Applications, Transforming Products, ISV Partner, Optimising Operations and Empowering Employees.



October 12, 2020

Time is ticking: Make a stress-free transition from SharePoint 2010 workflows to Power Automate

From the 1 November 2020, SharePoint 2010 workflows for SharePoint Online customers will be retired for existing tenants (they were previously retired for new tenants from 1 August 2020) – here’s the official Microsoft announcement.



October 7, 2020

Cyber security advice for NZ's small and medium enterprises

Jeremy Jones, Head of Cyber Security at Theta, recently spoke to about the increasing numbers of cyber attacks being reported across New Zealand.

